Constant learning is a strong value at ODA. What keeps us going is the constant endeavour to be thought leaders who positively impact our world.

Why Team Building Sessions May Not Work
If you ask managers in most organizations what training programmes they would like to go through, team building would be an obvious choice. Moreover, topics like motivation and stress management would appeal. ‘Team building’ initiatives usually range from teams going

Not Without My Coach
Executive coaching isn’t just about addressing behavioural problems. A good coach can be a transformative business asset for founders and CEOs in times of rapid growth, volatility and organizational transition
Trigger: Entrepreneurial transition
Ashwin Naik, co-founder, Vaatsalya Healthcare

What you can tell about a company from its mission statement
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
Why do we exist, is the question not just every individual needs to ask but also

Satya, Sarita and Talent development
Practice can never be overemphasized. Talent, of course, triggers it all, but it needn’t be the only source of the proverbial guiding light. But then, to paraphrase Sri Aurobindo, none of that hard work will amount to anything unless you

Mindset Change and Pavlov’s Dogs
The Indian pharmaceutical industry came under criticism several times due to the behaviour of their sales people towards doctors. Recently a sting operation by a media house showed the unethical and greedy behaviours of doctors towards pharmaceutical executives. organizations and

The Art of Deep Listening – Steps to Personal Mastery
“Hewas taught by the river. Incessantly, he learned from it. Most of all, he learned from it to listen, to pay close attention with a quiet heart, with a waiting, opened soul, without passion, without a wish, without judgment, without